Wednesday, 11 November 2015

We've moved!

We've moved, yes physically moved house!  It happened so quick I didn't even have time to forewarn you!

Basically cutting a very long story short we received a call to say that our house was being sold and so we needed to vacate by 31st December.  At the time as you may imagine it was quite emotional.  However, I pulled myself together and trusted in the Universe and two days later we were looking at a property in Brixham.  It was opposite a play park and park so great for the girls and Roo.  Fairly close to the Primary school of which there is a nursery attached so all in all pretty perfect...

Difficulty is on paper we look rubbish, after all we have 4 children, 3 of which are 3 and under and lets face it more and more properties, yes even 3/4 bedrooms are increasingly saying no children and no pets.

Anyway the landlord agreed to meet in order to suss us out and make sure one we could afford the rent and two we were not going to wreck the place.  It was to be an agonising wait for the appointment, agonising because we had already paid a holding fee and we were asked if we could move in by the 31st October....

That basically gave me two weeks to pack up a house of 6 occupants all whilst still looking after the children etc...

Soooooo, I decided to pack anyway, after all if I had waited a week would no way be long enough, two weeks was pushing it as it was!

We met the landlord who was lovely and as the Universe does indeed bring things forth he is one of five and so large families certainly were not putting him off :-) We must have made a good impression as he said it would be a yes from him as long as all the references came back ok :-)

So 5 days until moving day we get the all clear to go ahead!  No I have to point put another HUGE deciding factor in all of this, it was my Dad that agreed to lend us the money to move, without hime there would not have been any possibility and I am so grateful and yet again I do feel it was the universe that put that in place too :-)

There is definitely support and love on the other side influencing and looking after myself and our family.

And now, well we are in Brixham with most boxes unpacked and our internet and phone connected today - whoop whoop.  Which means I am back to working at the Circle and yes I know there are a number of you that have missed me and I really appreciate your patience and loyalty and of course I am back to email readings too.

I absolutely love the feel of where we live now, it feels much more of a family home and I really do feel as though everything is coming together.  Even though Nevaeh starts school next September it was already going to be a battle to get her into any school near to where we were previously due to so many new builds and the nursery here is so much better than where they were, a lot more structured too.

Here is a photo of the first morning in our new home looking out the back of the house :-)

It is so pretty at night too as you see all the lights :-)

Well as usual if you would like to book in a reading at The Circle then do get in touch, if you would like an email reading or a 1-2-1 then let me know and I look forward to updating you a lot more regularly ;-)

Traci x

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