Sunday, 28 June 2015

Spiritual Messages, Signs from the Divine...

I had already mentioned about my rather demanding request with regards some proof that this path is indeed the one I am meant to be on.  However, there is more, so much more.

I am getting Spiritual Messages and Signs from the Divine in all sorts of ways and there will be many that will say it is coincidence, that I am looking for it so therefore I am putting 2 and 2 together and getting 3 and I understand where they are coming from BUT... it is just simply not the case.

Sometimes you just have to trust.  I know, a hard concept for many including myself, but what would have happened if I had not jumped off that cliff? (please do read the post, before you think I was plummeting to my death!) What if I had decided not to trust... If I had ignored the messages from the Divine as pure imaginative nonsense, as a wild imagination that needs to be ignored.  I dread to think.

I think I would have continued on a downward spiral. However, instead because I listened, noticed and trusted look at the amazing and astounding transformations that are happening right before my very eyes and if seeing was not enough the feelings I have, how I feel everyday is just exhilarating.

Messages come in all sorts of ways, thoughts in my head, actions I need to do, something that catches my attention such as something to read, an action a person is doing. I know this means very little without specifics so I will share.  However, before I share as you are reading this take a few moments to think, relax your body and mind and see if you have been ignoring the messages that have been played out before you.  That you may have brushed off, even thought silly.

It's there, right in front of me... It has been all the time but now I can SEE it.

I have a couple of apps on my iphone that I use on and off but enough for me to say frequently.  I have the Doreen Virtue Messages from your Angels Oracle Cards app and the John Holland The Psychic Tarot Oracle Cards.  I have been using these apps for guidance many times or just for reassurance and I am amazed at the accuracy.  You can off course get these as physical Decks too.  Usually I click on the app, then click on Begin a Reading and follow the process, I have never really paid attention to any of the other options on that first screen.

That was until recently.  At the bottom is "Shop for Apps" I felt compelled to click on it... Not that I really noticed it at the time just more upon reflection as again it is not something I noticed before. It takes you through to a screen with a number of options.  I was drawn to the free App of HayHouse NOW.  I had no idea what it was or what it was about I just downloaded it.  Well, was I in for a surprise!  There were a number of free (and paid) resources all from Healing to Nutrition to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, I was in the past also an EFT Practitioner, but more on that another time).

I did not even read the title of the first section I just saw the I can do it Video Lecture and thought well it could be worth a listen...

Well, again I now know this was the next chink in my link.  My Spiritual helpers were ensuring I was getting a resource to help me understand my next set of actions.  The lecture was by Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson and it was called "You Can Create an Exceptional Life".

First of all how disconnected have I been that I had not fully been aware of Louise Hay?! Anyhow she was talking about loving yourself and BAM again another light bulb moment.  I hadn't loved myself.  I was loving and doing everything for everyone else but I would always think, well Mark comes first, or the girls come first etc... Even Birthdays for years I have said "oh, mine doesn't matter".  If this is you too I am here to tell you YES IT DOES!!!

By not loving yourself you are giving permission for others not to love you.  You NEED to love yourself, every inch, every cell.  It is not selfish or conceited as many would have you believe it is ESSENTIAL to your Physical and Emotional Wellbeing.... Let me say that again just in case you did not get it...

The lecture gave me many more nuggets of information that burned deep into my brain, including the wonderful affirmation Louise uses all the time:-

"I Bless and Prosper those in my World, and those in my World Bless and Prosper me"

What a wonderful affirmation to have and I have personally taken this one on wholeheartedly.

After that lecture I immediately ordered You can Create an Exceptional Life by Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson and You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.

Now once again I need to give a little back story.  I have missed reading, really missed it but with four children, three of them being 3 and under I do not get a lot of "me time" to read, Ok so none...

I really wanted to change this so I went to and found a Book Club Meet that happened locally once a month.  Great, I thought this can be my way to get back into reading, meeting new people and having a bit of me time.  I'm excited, it is approaching and I am struggling to remember the last time I actually went and did anything for me... Then, the girls get sick... All of them! ARGHHH no book club for me.  However, had I have gone I would have once again been diverted from this path and the books I was meant to read.

I was so struck by the profound way that Cheryl and Louise's words resonated with me that the next time I was in the car I decided to listen to another.  It was Anita Moorjani and her talk about how she overcame Cancer along with her encounter of the Spirit World in what can only be described as what should have been her last moments.  Once again there were many wonderful messages but the one that stuck with me the most and the one I took action on immediately by writing it on our mirror was:-

"Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on it, Because it Does"

The next person I listened to was Kris Carr about her Lecture on Crazy Sexy Life.  I was listening to her while hoovering!  Yes I was taking every possible moment.  Shortly after that lecture I decided to listen to some music, well I had the head phones in after all and still had some cleaning to do, hey, lets take this opportunity to get a little Jiggy with it!  I scroll my phone and see James Morrison, only one song and I think well, I have not listened to him for a looooooong time... I press Play...

The song is called " I won't let you go" and the album is called..... The Awakening!  When I see that half way through listening to the song I literally say out loud, Okay, I do get it I am not doubting anymore...

I urge you to stay vigilant, there could be messages that are right there, just for you, and like me before you have been too blind to see them.  Take some time, connect and notice.  

If you do this and you get some messages do share I would love to hear from you. You can comment on this blog or head on over to my facebook page

Love Life and Laughter

Traci x

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